Ever had an awful feeling in your stomach? Unexpectedly, your stomach feels very unpleasant and queasy. The bathroom is not close enough. The last thing you want is to embarrass yourself. Because a nauseous feeling most of the time ends with projectile vomit, everywhere!

Nausea stems from many reasons; food poisoning, motion sickness, pregnancy or consuming too much alcohol. Even severe pain and migraines can cause symptoms of nausea. Many people in the world claim it to be the worst feeling ever.

There are many medications on the market that can assist with nausea, both prescription and over-the-counter. They often come with side effects and most of the time don’t really treat the symptom. It may only work for one specific reason, leaving you to questions, “why am I taking this again?”

Symptoms vary from person-to-person and more people are turning to natural remedies. One way people counteract nausea is using CBD Oil, also known as tinctures. CBD offers an array of benefits and taken by many people for many different reasons. CBD helps with relieving pain, anxiety, depression, and blood pressure too name a few.

But for this article, we’ll discuss how it helps with nausea and vomiting.


Suffering from nausea feels like a never ending battle. Unexpectedly, it can strike. All you want is relief. Nausea is the body’s way of protecting itself from harmful or toxic substances. Most people view nausea as temporary, while others experience more intense and longer symptoms. In order to understand the condition we have to understand what causes it.

Here are common causes of nausea:

  • A viral infection, known as a common cold can cause nausea. The symptoms can be temporary, but vomiting can occur.
  • Food poisoning is another temporary cause of nausea. The body’s way of protecting itself is through ejecting (vomiting) the food out of you.
  • A severe headache can lead to a migraine, which 14% of adults experience. Of course, migraines affect people differently but can induce nausea like symptoms.
  • Anxiety is a fight or flight response that triggers stress while impacting your digestive system. In turn, can produce nausea and other gastrointestinal symptoms.
  • The side effects of any medications can also cause nausea due to the irritation on the gastrointestinal system.

There are other causes for nausea but we only want to highlight a few. Sometimes you can encounter nausea without experiencing any of the above symptoms. Even doctors struggle understanding the real cause of nausea. Even the prescribed antiemetic drugs come with many side effects. Another reason why people are searching for natural remedies.


CBD (Cannabidiol) is a natural compound that exists in cannabis, also known as phytocannabinoid. Many benefits have transpired from using CBD. It carries no psychoactive effects. So you will not feel high and that’s why many people love it. However, controversy continues to grow as people wonder if there are real benefits for CBD.

The body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) is very important in terms of Nausea. There are many neurotransmitters and receptors within the body and brain. It picks up on any irregulation not normal to your body’s daily function. A 2011 study in the British Journal of Pharmacology, for instance, suggests that manipulating the endocannabinoid system can help regulate both nausea and vomiting. The study even suggests CBD can help ease symptoms.

Over 50% of adults experienced nausea at some point in life. And more people are turning to CBD to help overcome the unwelcoming nausea symptoms. But, you are probably wondering if CBD can help?


There are times when nausea comes, then goes and we try to trace back leading up to that awful feeling. We think, “What did I eat today?” Other times it feels like there is no light at the end.

CBD (Cannabinoid) interacts with the receptors that release serotonin. Serotonin helps to push noxious substances out of your body and anxiety-producing situations. If one takes CBD in small doses it has been shown to help with nausea and/or vomiting. Always make sure you consult with your doctor if you plan to use CBD Oil.

Of course, there are prescribed pharmaceutical drugs but they often come with side effects. These side effects could be constipation, dizziness, changes in mood or insomnia. CBD Oil is a natural remedy and it doesn’t produce a high or mind altering effect, similar to  THC.


We tend to absorb nutrients or natural remedies in a natural form. When CBD is extracted from hemp plants you get the benefits from the other terpenes and cannabinoids, known as Broad Spectrum CBD (THC-free). The “whole plant” is referred to as Full Spectrum CBD with <0.3% of THC.

Broad spectrum CBD does not contain any psychoactive effects. If your state has strict regulations about THC, this may be the best choice for you. Especially, if you are concerned about being tested for drugs.

Full spectrum CBD contains additional cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. If your state is legalized for cannabis or you don’t THC, this option would be good. Try not to overuse or increase your dosage quickly because it can cause a positive drug screening.

One type of CBD is not better than the other. We have many different factors to consider such as health, age and/or ailment. We also process CBD differently. CBD is proven safe. It’s important to take note of potential side effects because we are all different.

Here’s a few side effects of CBD that someone may experience.

  • Drowsiness
  • Diarrhea
  • Appetite Suppression
  • Dry mouth
  • Feeling light-headed
  • Decrease heart rate
  • Sedation


The most common way to take CBD Oil is using droplets. It’s a more effective way absorbing CBD into the bloodstream for faster relief. Always make sure to follow the directions stated by your medical provider or the direction on the product label.

Typically, you would put a drop under your tongue and hold for 30 seconds before swallowing. This allows your blood vessels to absorb the compound and not pass through your digestive system.

  • Within 15-30 minutes you should feel the benefits.
  • Avoid placing drops on top of your tongue as it could prevent effectiveness.
  • If possible, get a recommended dosage from your doctor or start with a low dose and gradually increase.

If you need help with determining your dosage, use a CBD calculator.


CBD Oil has many benefits on top of relieving nausea and vomiting symptoms, with very little side effects. Depending on your tolerance and preferable method, both Broad and Full spectrum can help subside the annoying feeling of nausea.

Don’t worry about finding the right dose. A simple rule of thumb is to start with a lower dose, use the recommendation outlined by your medical provider, or use the CBD calculator as a guide. You may want instant relief but be patient and gradually increase to a comfortable dose. And only trust a brand using a third-party testing lab to ensure quality and purity.

Julia Davis